High School students Alexa Brammer and Jessica Padron-Loredo published a scientific paper using GBO data with their science teacher Charmain Brammer and mentor Dr. Cameron Pace (Southern Utah University).
"Going into the astronomy research I really didn’t know much at first," says Jessica, "but by the end, I knew my way around Astroimagej and the process of research and creating a scientific article. My professor supported my group every step of the way allowing us to think critically to understand the research and solve problems."
"I liked working with professionals, exploring different types of research, and learning how to write, edit, and submit a paper for publication," related Alexa.
“From my perspective as a teacher - my students have had an amazing experience," said Ms. Brammer, "It has been wonderful to see them grow and participate in something on their own time that they are interested in. They have internalized their learning and are proud of what they have accomplished.”
"The technical side of this program is great but you also meet new people and maybe realize just like I did that you want to be involved in STEM"- Jessica
Alexa and Jessica are currently college undergraduates and believe their experience working with the GBO helped get their college acceptance as well as scholarship opportunity.